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The Tinnitus Team at Ropewalk House remain committed to supporting our patients to live well with tinnitus during these challenging times.


If you are an existing patient and need to speak to a team member please contact us and we will arrange a call back during office hours.


Remember there are many things you can do to help manage your tinnitus:


Sound therapy:

If the noises seem louder at night or quiet times, it may help to have some natural or gentle sound from an app, CD, sound generator or even a fan or ticking clock in the background.


Hearing aids:

If you wear hearing aids, use them. Even if you feel you can hear at home without them, hearing aids can help both your hearing and your tinnitus.



Learning to relax properly is probably one of the most useful things you can do. If you have a smart phone, there are some excellent free relaxation apps available.


British Tinnitus Association (BTA):

Confidential information and advice from a member of the BTA team (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday):

Phone: 0800 018 0527 (currently running a slightly reduced service)


Text: 07537 416841

Web chat through their website :


Take on Tinnitus:

Online resource designed by the BTA to help patients better understand tinnitus and offer practical ways that could help to relieve their tinnitus

ENT Department, Queens's Medical Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham NG7 2UH

Tel: 0115 924 9924

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